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Medical Reports Request


Letters outlining your medical issues (non-NHS private work)

If you are needing the GP to do a supporting letter for you, we will charge a minimum of £20 for this.  Examples include a letter for university, student finance, HMRC, PIP appeal and other extenuating circumstance support letter.  Please fill out our form online - and select "Admin Query - Doctor’s Letter".  This will then be added to a GP list who will contact you for any further details needed. 

Alternatively, we can print out a summary of your medical history from your records with no charge.

If you are unable to use our online form, then please call the practice on 020 8985 8388 and ask for a GP appointment.

Medical Reports

If you are needing a medical report to be filled, please contact our Medical Records Admin Team with the details via our online form and selecting "Admin Query - Doctor's Letter".

Examples of this include pro-forma medical report forms such as travel insurance, benefits application, outside agency forms, solicitor’s request, registration confirmation, blue badge form.

If you are unable to use our online form, then please call the practice on 020 8985 8388 and use the appropriate option to speak to the medical reports administrator.

Please allow up to 6 weeks for a form to be completed.

Housing Letters

We recognise that there is a severe housing shortage in Hackney and surrounding boroughs. To many of our patients this is a cause of frustration, stress, and in many cases, poor health.

However GPs do not provide letters to support housing applications, it is does not help housing applications.  

If you are intending to apply for a council home or requesting change in your housing due to health reasons you do not need a doctor’s letter. 

You need to complete a self-assessment form which is available from the Council. 

You can get a medical summary print out from us if you find this helpful to list your conditions.

The council have specifically advised us that we should not be doing letters.  If they are unable to process your application and need further information, the Council will write to your doctor in confidence and request your written consent for your doctor to provide the information.

If you need more advice or support related to housing or any other social issues you can book with our social prescriber or contact Citizens Advice Bureau.

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